Hemorrhoid Surgery

When you come to us for a consultation, we will examine your hemorrhoids and determine what the best course of treatment is for you.

What Is Hemorrhoid Surgery?

A hemorrhoid is a formation that occurs when veins swell up in the rectal area, either inside the rectum or outside. They can be quite painful and uncomfortable. In most cases, a hemorrhoidal flare-up will go away in a couple of weeks and can be managed by eating fiber, drinking water and using stool softeners to make bowel movements less painful. If the pain persists, you may be a candidate for hemorrhoid surgery.


What Is Hemorrhoid Surgery Needed For?

In some cases, there are blood clots that may form inside the hemorrhoid (thrombosed hemorrhoid), which can be extremely painful and require surgery. There are a number of methods to shrink hemorrhoids, but if they are not effective, ligation of the hemorrhoidal vasculature or a hemorrhoidectomy (hemorrhoid removal) may be required. 

Happy mother and daughter

What Can I Expect During Surgery?

When you come to us for a consultation, we will examine your hemorrhoids and determine what the best course of treatment is for you. At Surgical Services of Athens, we offer multiple methods of hemorrhoid intervention. Depending on your situation, we may be able to offer a modern, advanced non-excisional surgical solution for internal hemorrhoids called transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization, or THD. This is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a tool called an anoscope with a device called a Doppler transducer to locate hemorrhoidal arteries and decrease blood flow to the hemorrhoid without tissue removal. This procedure minimizes post-operative pain, and usually requires only two or three days of recovery time.

Hemorrhoid Surgery in Alabama With Surgical Services of Athens

For over 20 years, residents of Athens, Huntsville, Madison and surrounding areas have put their trust in us for all their surgical needs. We combine years of experience with an understanding of the most modern surgical techniques to provide our patients with the best possible outcomes. If you need hemorrhoid surgery in Alabama, call us at 256-216-6500 or contact us by filling out the consultation form below.

Conditions Treated


Contact us today by calling (256) 216-6500 or submit your information below, and we will contact you to discuss the best surgical options for your health and wellness.


We're happy to answer any questions you may have, feel free to call us at
(804) 775-4559